Contact Us

---- Let us know what you think about the hill ----

Troopers Hill Local Nature Reserve is owned by Bristol City Council and managed by Bristol Parks in partnership with The Friends of Troopers Hill.

Visiting, Maps, directions >>

The Friends of Troopers Hill committee is elected at our AGM in December each year. Vacancies can be filled at any time and confirmed at the next AGM, the committee can have up to 9 members.

Current committee members (elected at the December 2024 AGM) are:
Chair - Susan; Treasurer - Margaret; Secretary - Rosie
Other committee members: Rob, Rod, Fran, Jill & Willy.

If you have any comments on the management of Troopers Hill; any suggestions for future events or any other issues that you would like to discuss we would be pleased to hear from you.

There are lots of ways to get in touch:




Email ;

Come along to one of our Meetings

Join us at one of our Events;

Write to:
    Friends of Troopers Hill
    c/o 3, Corkers Hill
    St George
    BS5 8DT

Tell Streetlink about someone sleeping rough

There are details on the Council's website here about how to contact Streetlink & St Mungo's who will help find somewhere for anyone sleeping rough to stay and give them support.


The riding of motorcycles on Troopers Hill is against the law (Road Traffic Act) this includes electrically powered motorcycles. Electrically assisted pedal cycles are allowed but like all cycles must be riden considerately in complicance with parks byelaws.

If you see motorcycles on Troopers Hill, please report it to the Police using 999, if people are in danger, or by calling 101 or using online forms.

Reporting Other Issues to Bristol Parks

If you see any damage on Troopers Hill please report it to Bristol Parks
Please also let us know.

If you find someone breaking a parks byelaw please report it online, in as much detail as you can (photos can be attached to the report).

The byelaws for Troopers Hil include a ban on fires & barbecues
- see why >>

Bristol Parks can also be contacted through:
 0117 922 2100 (select option 3)
open 8:30am to 6pm (Mon-Fri)
 Apply to Bristol Film Office for permission to film on Troopers Hill

 Bristol City Council Emergency/out of hours number: 0117 922 2050
 Dog warden: 0117 922 2500
 Report Waste, graffiti and fly tip >>

Contacting the Local Police

If you observe any anti-social behaviour or criminal activity on Troopers Hill please report it to our neighbourhood police team:

St George Troopers Hill Police Team >>

Police Crime Report Form >>

 Postcodes & What 3 Words for Troopers Hill entrances (pdf)

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