Minutes of Past Meetings (in pdf format, click on dates)
The descriptions show the main items discussed.
12th December 2024 - At Wesley Memorial Church Hall
Nature Conservation on Troopers Hill (Work Parties, Winter Works); Troopers Hill Field (Memorial Trees, Orchard, East Bristol Intermediate Care Centre); Maintenance (Play area benches, flytipping, Hole near red bench); Events (Geology Walk, Events for 2025, Active travel walks); Networking (Crews Hole books donation, Hillfields Community Garden, Meadow Vale CC, St George CC Fayre).
AGM - chair & committee elected, accounts approved. The following were elected - Chair - Susan; Treasurer - Margaret; Secretary - Rosie. Other committee members: Rob, Rod, Fran, Jill & Willy.
7th November 2024 - At Wesley Memorial Church Hall
Nature Conservation on Troopers Hill (Work Parties, Winter Works); Troopers Hill Field (Memorial Trees, Memorial bench); Maintenance (Play area benches, flytipping); Events (Eventbrite, Geology Walk, Events for 2025, Meeting dates 2025); Networking (Paper Newsletters, Use of X, University of Bristol Project 2025, Summerhill Infants visit, Blackswarth Road Wood Woodland ownership, The Birch Collective, History Talks).
*** We had a longer break than usual in our meetings over Spring / Summer 2024 ***
21st March 2024 - At Wesley Memorial Church Hall
Projects (Memorial Trees, Memorial bench); Communications (Paper Newsletters); Troopers Hill Conservation Works (Conservation Work parties, Winter Works, BCC Climate and Ecological Emergency Community Grant, Himalayan Balsam); Events (Star gazing, Planetarium shows, Guided walks); Networking (University of Bristol Project, Summerhill Infant Academy, BU Biological Sciences ProjectHanham History Talk, British Carnivore Survey, Blackswarth Road Wood Woodland Tree Preservation Order)
1st February 2024 - Meeting held via Zoom
Confirmation of Signatories on Bank Account; Projects (Memorial Trees, Memorial bench); Communications (Paper Newsletters); Troopers Hill Conservation Works (Conservation Work parties, Winter Works, BCC Climate and Ecological Emergency Community Grant); Maintenance (welcome signs); Events (Star gazing, Planetarium shows, Geology walk); Bristol City Council (Parks & Green Spaces Strategy Consultation, Local Plan Consultation, Change to Committee system, East Bristol Liveable Neighbourhood Scheme consultation); St George Strollers; Networking (University of Bristol Project, Summerhill Infant School, It's Your Neighbourhood, Your Park Volunteer Event, Qi Gong, BU Biological Sciences Project, Bristol Parks Project website)
7th December 2023 - Meeting held at St Aidan's Church Hall (side room)
Projects (Memorial Trees, Memorial bench); Communications (Paper Newsletters); Troopers Hill Conservation Works (Conservation Work parties, Winter Works, BCC Climate and Ecological Emergency Community Grant); Maintenance (hole in path, welcome signs); Events (Past, Future); Local Plan Consultation; Networking (University of Bristol Project, Summerhill Infant School, It's Your Neighbourhood, Your Park Volunteer Awards); AGM - chair & committee elected, accounts approved. The following were elected - Chair - Susan; Treasurer - Margaret; Secretary - Rosie. Other committee members: Rob, Rod & Richard.
26th October 2023 - Meeting held via Zoom
Projects (Memorial Trees, Memorial bench, Blackswarth Road Wood); Communications (Paper Newsletters); Troopers Hill Conservation Works (Countryside Stewardship Higher Tier funding, BCC Climate and Ecological Emergency Community Grant, Conservation Work parties); Maintenance; Resourcing; Preparation for AGM; Events (Past, Future); Networking (It's Your Neighbourhood, Student Project); Fundraising.
29th June 2023 - Meeting held at St Aidan's Church Hall (side room)
Projects (Memorial bench, Accessibility Guide); Communications (Paper Newsletters); Troopers Hill Conservation Works (Conservation Work parties, Meeting with Bristol City Council’s Nature Conservation Officer, 84th Bee); Maintenance (Fencing repairs, Crews Hole layby); Resourcing; Issues on TH (Graffiti, fire); Events (History walk, Drop in gazebo, Sensory Walk, Bugs & Beasties); Networking (Pride in Parks, Olympus Trust); Fundraising (The slide painting, Donations at events).
27th April 2023 - Meeting held at St Aidan's Church Hall (side room)
Projects (Memorial bench, Accessibility Guide); Communications (Paper Newsletters); Troopers Hill Conservation Works (Conservation Work parties, Street Goat); Maintenance (painting furniture, Crews Hole layby); Electric Motor Bikes; Events (Bird walk, Lichen walk, Star Gazing, Drop in gazebo, History walk); Networking (Pride in Parks); Fundraising (The slide painting, Donations at events).
9th February 2023 - Meeting held via Zoom
Projects (Nature Conservation, Art, Paper Newsletters,2002 Survey 20 Years On); Troopers Hill Conservation Works (Conservation Work parties, winter works, Street Goat); Maintenance (chimney, Field noticeboard, painting furniture, Crews Hole layby); Events (Bird walk, Lichen walk, Star Gazing, Drop in gazebo, Sensory walk); Networking (Memorial benches, BCC Budget for Parks, BCC Local Plan Review, Hartlebury Common, Horse & Jockey defibrillator, Troopers Hill Road); Fundraising (The slide painting, Donations at events)
1st December 2022 - AGM - Meeting held via Zoom
Projects (Nature Conservation, Flag); Troopers Hill Conservation Works (Conservation Work parties, winter works); 2002 Survey 20 Years On; Events (Drop in gazebo, planning for 2023); Networking (BCC Budget for Parks, BCC Local Plan Review); St George Strollers
AGM - Accounts & budget for 2023 approved. The following were re-elected - Chair - Susan; Treasurer - Margaret; Secretary - Adam. Other committee members: Rob, Rod, Richard & Freya.
13th October 2022 - Meeting held via Zoom
Projects (Conservation Work Grant / Fundraiser, Public Art, Trees & benench on the Field); Troopers Hill Conservation Works (Conservation Work parties, summer works, Greendown hedge & grasscut); Troopers Hill Maintenance (graffiti, flag, steps, painting); Events (Wild Flower Walk, Bugs & Beasties, Drop in gazebo. planning for 2023); 2002 Survey 20 Years On; Networking (RHS Southest in Bloom IYN, Blackswarth Rd development, Summerhill Methodist Church, Public Rights of Way, Didac offer, Bee Bold Awards, British science Week grant / events, DoE Awards, Council Budget Cuts, Bath House visit)
28th July 2022 - Meeting held via Zoom (postponed from 21st July due to Covid cases)
Projects (Path to chimney, Fundraiser, Public Art); Troopers Hill Conservation Works (Conservation Work parties, summer works, nature recoovery); Events (Drop in gazebo, Wild Flower Walk, Bugs & Beasties); 2002 Survey 20 Years On; Networking (RHS Southest in Bloom, Summerhill Methodist Church)
26th May 2022 - Meeting held via Zoom.
Projects (Path to chimney, Fundraiser, Public Art); Troopers Hill Conservation Works (Conservation Work parties, summer works); Events (Star gazing, Dawn Chorus, History walk, Drop in gazebo) ; Networking (RHS Southest in Bloom, Summerhill Methodist Church, St George Community Association); St George Strollers.
10th March 2022 - Meeting held via Zoom.
Projects (Path to chimney, Fundraiser, Public Art); Troopers Hill Conservation Works (Conservation Work parties, photo monitoring, winter works); History Research; Events (Drop in gazebo, Star gazing, Dawn Chorus, History walk) ; Networking (RHS Southest in Bloom, talks, Liveable neighbourhoods, Summerhill Methodist Church); St George Strollers; Student studies.
2nd December 2021 (AGM) - Meeting held via Zoom.
Projects (Red Slide, Path to chimney, New Fundraiser); Troopers Hill Conservation Works (Conservation Work parties, photo monitoring, winter works); History Research; Events (Slider celebration, moth night, Feedback on meetings, Events for 2022) ; Networking (RHS Southest in Bloom, talks); St George Strollers; AGM - chair & committee re-elected, accounts noted, draft budget.
7th October 2021 - Meeting held via Zoom.
Projects (Red Slide, Path to chimney, New Fundraiser, Entrance to Troopers Hill LNR); Troopers Hill Conservation Works (Conservation Work parties, Greendown Oak, photo monitoring); History Research; Events; Networking (RHS Southest in Bloom); St George Strollers; It's Your Neighbourhood 2021 - Outstanding.
24th June 2021 - Meeting held via Zoom due to Covid-19 restrictions.
Projects (Red Slide, Path to chimney, Basket Ball Hoop); Troopers Hill Conservation Works (Drainage, steps, tree popping, Conservation Work parties, photo monitoring); PostGrad studies; History Reserach & donations; Events; Networking (RHS Southest in Bloom); St George Strollers; Litter Picking.
29th April 2021 - Meeting held via Zoom due to Covid-19 restrictions.
Crews Hole Layby; Red Slide; Troopers Hill Conservation Works (Bristol Parks works, FoTH funded works, Volunteer work, Work parties, Litter picking, step repairs); Troopers Hill Field & Woods (kissing gate post, litter, tree trail); Anti-social behaviour 4th Nov; Online Events (Poetry, WalkFest, City Nature Challenge); Networking (social media & website, Bristol & Bath Parks Foundation, RHS Southest in Bloom - good news, DoE scheme & schools, BBC Radio 4, Didac Ltd. local planning application); Path to chimney.
4th February 2021 - Meeting held via Zoom due to Covid-19 restrictions.
Projects (Red Slide); Troopers Hill Conservation Works (Bristol Parks works, FoTH funded works, Volunteer work, Work parties, Litter picking, step repairs); Troopers Hill Field (Walnut trees); Troopers Hill Woods; Anti-social behaviour 4th Nov; Events paused; Networking (Publicity, Bristol & Bath Parks Foundation, RHS Southest in Bloom - good news, DoE scheme & schools, BBC Radio Bristol. local planning application, Future Proof Parks).
3rd December 2020 - Meeting held via Zoom due to Covid-19 restrictions.
Projects (Access to Nature, Red Slide); Troopers Hill Conservation Works (Bristol Parks works, FoTH funded works, Volunteer work, Work parties); Troopers Hill Field (Walnut trees); Troopers Hill Woods, fallen trees; Anti-social behaviour 4th Nov; Virtual Events; Networking (Publicity, Bristol & Bath Parks Foundation); RHS Southest in Bloom; AGM (accounts, budget, elections).
8th October 2020 - Meeting held via Zoom due to Covid-19 restrictions.
Projects (Access to Nature); Busking; Troopers Hill Works (Bristol Parks works, repair to steps, extra winter works, Work parties); Troopers Hill Field (Walnut trees, slide); Troopers Hill Woods, fallen trees; Events; Canine Control Orders; Networking (Publicity, donations); RHS Southest in Bloom; Cover for committee members.
25th June 2020 - Meeting held via Zoom due to Covid-19 restrictions.
Young Rangers (Art Competition & collating survey info); Projects (Access to Nature, Protecting Nature); Black Lives Matter; Litter & anti-social behaviour; Troopers Hill Works (Greendown Oak, Bristol Parks works, repair to steps, Work parties); Troopers Hill Field (Walnut trees, Brownies planting project, slide, tree on fence); Events; Networking (Publicity, Ecological Emergency).
2nd April 2020 - This meeting was cancelled due to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) crisis.
Our Chair, Susan, provided an update by email to regular attendees.
Download email update
30th January 2020 - At Summerhill Methodist Church
Projects (Access to Nature, Wild Play, Protecting Nature); Conservation work on Troopers Hill (Bristol Parks works, future funding, Work parties); Troopers Hill Field (Slide / Public Art?, Brownies planting project, soil & water testing); Young Rangers Art ; Events; Networking (talks & website).

5th December 2019 - At Summerhill Methodist Church
Projects (Access to Nature, Wild Play, The Hive, Protecting Nature, Celebration Event); Conservation work on Troopers Hill (Winter works, Management Plan, NLHF funded works, Invertebrate survey, Work parties, corporate volunteering); Troopers Hill Field; Troopers Hill Young Rangers (Future Proof Parks); Events; Networking; AGM (Accounts & elections).
3rd October 2019
Projects (Access to Nature, ParkWork, Wild Play, The Hive, Protecting Nature); Conservation work on Troopers Hill (Management Plan, NLHF funded works, Invertebrate survey, Work parties, corporate volunteering); Troopers Hill Young Rangers (Future Proof Parks) – Ideas; Other Troopers Hill issues and news; Events; Networking.
27th June 2019
Projects (Young Rangers / Future Proof Parks, Access to Nature, ParkWork, Wild Play, Protecting Nature, Defibrillator); Conservation work on Troopers Hill (NLHF funded works, Invertebrate survey, Work parties, corporate volunteering); Other Troopers Hill issues and news; St George Strollers; Events; Networking; Troopers Hill Shopping List; 25 year celebration.
25th April 2019
Projects (Access to Nature, ParkWork, Wild Play, Protecting Nature, Defibrillator); Conservation work on Troopers Hill (NLHF funded works, Invertebrate survey, Work parties); Young Rangers / Future Proof Parks; Other Troopers Hill issues and news; St George Strollers; Events; Networking; Troopers Hill Shopping List; 25 year celebration.
7th February 2019
Projects (Access to Nature, ParkWork, Wild Play, Protecting Nature, Defibrillator); Conservation work on Troopers Hill (NLHF funded works, Bristol Parks works, Work parties); Young Rangers / Future Proof Parks; Other Troopers Hill issues and news; St George Strollers; Events; Networking; Troopers Hill Shopping List.

6th December 2018 - At Summerhill Methodist Church
Troopers Hill issues and news; Conservation work on Troopers Hill; Work parties and other works; Projects (Funding allocated for paths, Natural Learners, Fencing, Defibrillator, Traffic calming); Troopers Hill Field; St George Strollers; Events; Networking; Future Proof Parks; AGM & elections
4th October 2018
Committee Changes; Troopers Hill issues and news; Conservation work on Troopers Hill; Work parties and other works; Projects (CIL allocated for paths, way-marking complete); Troopers Hill Field; St George Strollers; Events; Networking; Future Proof Parks.
28th June 2018
Committee Changes; Heritage Lottery Fund award of £44,800 for Ways to Nature; RHS It's Your Neighbourhood assessment; Other Troopers Hill Issues & News; Work parties and other works; Natural Learners; Other Projects; Troopers Hill Field; Events; Networking.
26th April 2018
Troopers Hill Issues & News; Work parties and other works; Projects; Troopers Hill Field; Events; Parks consultation; Networking; GDPR; Street Goat.
8th February 2018
Hill maintenance; Work parties and other works; Ways to Nature; Students & research; Defribulator; Troopers Hill Field; Events; Parks consultation; Parks Foundation; Public toilet closures; Mailing list & newsletters

7th December 2017 - At Summerhill Methodist Church
AGM - The Friends of Troopers Hill chair & committee were re-elected to serve for another year.
Other items: Hill maintenance; Work parties and other works; Flag; Ways to Nature; Defibrillator; Student projects; Woodland; Troopers Hill Field; Events; Parks Consultation.
12th October 2017
Hill maintenance; Work parties and other works; Little Elizabeth's bench; Ways to Nature; Natural Learners; Woodland; Defribulator; Troopers Hill Field; Events; Impact of Council Cuts
13th July 2017
Short meeting followed by a picnic on the Hill.
Natural Learners; Hill maintenance; Work parties and other works; Projects - Ways to Nature; Troopers Hill Field; Events; Impact of Council Cuts; It's Your Neighbourhood - Outstanding.
1st June 2017
Hill maintenance; Work parties and other works; ParkWork; Projects - Ways to Nature; Troopers Hill Field; Events; Impact of Council Cuts; Networking; St George Community Network; Awards; Facebook/Twitter; Newsletter.
2nd February 2017
AGM & Committee membership; Toddler group and after school club on Troopers Hill; Hill maintenance; Work parties and other works; Troopers Hill Field; Events; Impact of Council Cuts; Networking; Website, Newsletter.

1st December 2016 - At Summerhill Methodist Church
AGM & Review of 2016.
The following were re-elected to the committee of Friends of Troopers Hill for 2016
Chair - Susan; Treasurer - Norman; Secretary - Margaret; other committee members: Rob & Rod.
29th September 2016
Hill maintenance; Work parties and other works; Troopers Hill Field; Events; Impact of Council Cuts; Networking; awards; Facebook, Newsletter.
14th July 2016
Hill maintenance; Troopers Hill Field; Work parties and other works; Events; Networking; awards; Facebook, Newsletter.
12th May 2016
Hill maintenance; Troopers Hill Field; Work parties and other works; Events; Stargazing; Networking; awards; Facebook, Newsletter.
11th February 2016
EGM, Hill maintenance; Troopers Hill Field; Work parties and other works; Dark Sky designatiion; Events; LNR grant; awards; Facebook, Newsletter.
The EGM agreed some minor changes to our constitution to meet the requirements of a grant funder. The changes are shown in red on Rev F of our constitution.

3rd December 2015 - At Summerhill Methodist Church
AGM & Review of 2015, at Summerhill Methodist Church. The following were elected to the committee of Friends of Troopers Hill for 2016
Chair - Susan; Treasurer - Norman; Secretary - Margaret; other committee members: Rob, Chris & Rod.
12th November 2015
Hill maintenance; Troopers Hill Field; Work parties and other works; Events; Events for 2016; LNR 20 years Celebration; assessments for awards; Facebook, Newsletter.
10th September 2015
Hill maintenance; Community payback; Troopers Hill Field Play Area; Work parties and other works; Events; Future Events; LNR 20 years Celebration; assessments for awards; Facebook, Newsletter.
9th July 2015
Hill maintenance; Troopers Hill Field Play Area; Donation from Beeses and proposed works; St George Green Capital Art Project; Work Parties; Recent Events; Future Events; LNR 20 years Celebration; Parkhive App; Assessments for awards; Facebook, Twitter & website update; Newsletter.
14th May 2015
Hill maintenance; Troopers Hill Field Play Area; Work Parties; Recent Events; Future Events; LNR Celebration; Facebook, Twitter & website update; Newsletter.
12th March 2015
Hill maintenance; Troopers Hill Field Play Area; Work Parties; St George Strollers; Events; Networking; Facebook, Twitter & website update; Newsletter.
22nd January 2015
Hill maintenance; Troopers Hill Field; Work Parties; St George Strollers; Events; Events for 2015; Networking; Facebook, Twitter & website update; Newsletter.

4th December 2014 - At Summerhill Methodist Church
AGM & Review of 2014, at Summerhill Methodist Church. The following were elected to the committee of Friends of Troopers Hill for 2015
Chair - Susan; Treasurer - Norman; Secretary - Helen; other committee members: Rob, Kit, Margaret & Clare.
6th November 2014
Hill maintenance; Troopers Hill Field; Work Parties; St George Strollers; Events; Events for 2015; NP Green Capital Grant; Green Flag & RHS Awards; Facebook, Twitter & website update; Newsletter.
11th September 2014
During this meeting we made a presentation to Julian Thomas who is leaving Bristol City Council Parks at the end of the month. Jules has been our Community Park Keeper since 2006 and has regularly attended our meetings. He has worked hard to ensure that Troopers Hill always looked good and and to help preserve its unique ecology. Jules played a major part in the success of Friends of Troopers Hill over that time - Thanks Jules.
You can see some photos of the presentation here
Other issues covered: Hill maintenance; Troopers Hill Field; Work Parties; St George Strollers; Events; Planning Meeting; Green Capital Funds; Facebook, Twitter & website update; Newsletter.
24th July 2014
Hill maintenance; Dog Fouling; RHS judging; Fun Trail markers; Hedge Cutting; Troopers Hill Field; Work Parties; St George Strollers; Events; Green Capital Funds; Donations; Facebook, Twitter & website update; Newsletter.
29th May 2014
Hill maintenance; BBQs; Dog Fouling; Green Flag; Troopers Hill Field; Works to the upper chimney; Work Parties; St George Strollers; Events; Donation from Beese's; Networking; Facebook, Twitter & website update; Newsletter.
27th March 2014
RIP Justin Smith; Hill maintenance; Dangerous dogs and dog fouling; Troopers Hill Field; Works to the upper chimney; Work Parties; St George Strollers; Events; Facebook, Twitter & website update; Networking; Newsletter.
30th January 2014
Hill maintenance; Dog Fouling; Troopers Hill Field; Work Parties; St George Strollers; Events; St George in Bloom; Green Capital Partnership; Facebook, Twitter & website update; Spring Newsletter.

5th December 2013 - At Summerhill Methodist Church
AGM & Review of 2013 and the first 10 years of Friends of Troopers Hill, at Summerhill Methodist Church. Last year's committee was re-elected for another 12 months.
14th November 2013
Hill maintenance; Troopers Hill Field; The Chimneys; Contacts with the Press; It's Your Neighbourhood; Work Parties; St George Strollers; Events; Events for 2014; More material from Mr George Elliott; Facebook, Twitter & website update; Christmas Newsletter.
26th Sept 2013
Hill maintenance; Troopers Hill Field; The Chimneys; Stepping Forward 2013; It's Your Neighbourhood; Green Flag; Work Parties; Volunteering; St George Strollers; Events; Donation of Historical Research; Facebook & website update; Twitter; Newsletter.
25th July 2013
Hill maintenance; Troopers Hill Field; The Chimneys; Green Dog Walkers Scheme; Stepping Forward 2013; It's Your Neighbourhood; Work Parties; Volunteering; St George Strollers; Events; Donation of Historical Research; Facebook & website update; Twitter; Newsletter.
30th May 2013
Hill maintenance; Troopers Hill Field; Top Chimney; Lower Stack; Stepping Forward 2013; St George NP; Work Parties; Corporate Volunteering; St George Strollers; Events; Green Flag; Historic Documents; Facebook & website update; Twitter; Newsletter.
7th Mar 2013
Hill maintenance; Troopers Hill Field path; Stepping Forward 2013; 10th Anniversary; Work Parties; St George Strollers; Events; Facebook & website update; Twitter; Newsletter.
24th Jan 2013
Hill maintenance; Stepping Forward 2013; Work Parties; Advertising for volunteers; Green Flag; It's Your Neighbourhood; St George Strollers; Events; Bristol99; Facebook & website update; Twitter; Newsletter.

6th Dec 2012 - At Summerhill Methodist Church
AGM & Review of 2012, at Summerhill Methodist Church. Last year's committee was re-elected for another 12 months.
4th Oct 2012
Hill maintenance; Greendown hedge maintenance; Stepping Forward progress; Other Funding Opotunities; Work Parties; Green Flag; It's Your Neighbourhood; St George Strollers; Events; Facebook & website update; Newsletter; Email address list.
12th July 2012
Hill maintenance; Stepping Forward progress; Work Parties; Bristol in Bloom; St George Strollers; Events; Funding; Facebook & website update; Newsletter; Species lists
31st May 2012
Hill maintenance; Trees Trooopers Hill Field; Stepping Forward progress; Work Parties; St George Strollers; Funding; Events; Facebook & website update; Newsletter
29th Mar 2012
Hill maintenance; Clean up campaign; Stepping Forward progress; Work Parties; Management Plan update; St George Strollers; Events; Funding; Facebook update; Newsletter
12th Jan 2012
Hill maintenance; Clean up campaign; Stepping Forward progress; Work Parties; Management Plan update; St George Strollers; Events; Funding; Facebook update; Newsletter

8th Dec 2011 - At Summerhill Methodist Church
AGM & Review of 2011
PDF of Slide Show -
Tree planting Video -
Summer Fun Video Slide Show
10th Nov 2011
Hill maintenance; RHS "It's Your Neighbourhood"; Work Parties; Management Plan update; St George Strollers; Events; Funding
1st Sept 2011
Hill maintenance; Neighbourhood Engagement Team; RHS "It's Your Neighbourhood" judging; Work Parties; Area Green Space Plan update; St George Strollers; Events; Stepping Forward; Community Festival and Events Fund; Facebook page; Newsletter
7th July 2011
Hill maintenance; Green Flag Judging; RHS "It's Your Neighbourhood" judging; Work Parties; Area Green Space Plan update; St George Strollers; Events; Stepping Forward; Facebook page; Pride of Place; Newsletter
12th May 2011
Hill maintenance; Work Parties; St George Strollers; Events; Stepping Forward; Facebook page; Newsletter
3rd March 2011
Meeting Management; Wild City; Hill maintenance; Work Parties; Events; Walking for Health; Stepping Forward; Awards for All; Newsletter
13th January 2011
Gill Dyte; Hill maintenance; Tree Planting Troopers Hill Field; Work Parties; Events; Stepping Forward; Walking for Health; Awards for All; Newsletter

5th December 2010 - At Summerhill Methodist Church
Slide show and video review of 2010 & AGM. A pdf copy of the slide show can be seen here: AGM 2010 Slide Show (pdf 10MB)
9th November 2010
Planting at Greendown; Litter bin; Mine Shaft; Troopers Hill Rd; AGSP response; Work Parties; Events; Meeting Venue; Stepping Forward; Community Fair.
28th September 2010
New APM; Planting at Greendown; Stepping Forward; Litter bin; Mine Shaft; Troopers Hill Rd; AGSP response; Work Parties; Events.
13th July 2010
The main subject of this meeting was the Friends of Troopers Hill response to the Area Green Space Plan Consultation (see www.bristol.gov.uk/agsp). The agreed response can be seen here.
25th May 2010
Maintenance issues; Mine Shaft; New Litter bin; Work Parties; Events; Area Green Space Plan Consultation; Newsletter.
4th March 2010
Greendown Works signed off; Soil falling on Troopers Hill Rd; Troopers Hill Field drainage; Winter Works; Bomb Crater subsidence; New Benches installed; Memorial Benches; Dog mess; Events for 2010; Grant Applications; Networking; Newsletter.
12th January 2010 - At Summerhill Methodist Church
Greendown Works; New Benches; Soil falling on Troopers Hill Rd; Summerhill Terrace entrance; Events for 2010; Play facilities on Troopers Hill Field; Past Events; Area Green Space Plan; Ben Prater’s Bingo Balls; Friends of Netham Park; Newsletter.

6th December 2009 - At Wesley Memorial Church Hall
Slide show and video review of 2009 & AGM - last year's committee was re-elected to serve in 2010. A pdf copy of the slide show can be seen here: AGM 2009 Slide Show (pdf 8MB)
The meeting was followed by a chance to see the Wesley Memorial Church with its dressings ready for Christmas. Next year's meetings will be held at Summerhill Methodist Church so we presented a small gift to Graham and Linda to thank them for their hospitality at our meetings since November 2004.
10th November 2009
Greendown Works; VOSCUR Award; New Benches; Review of Management Plan; Events for 2010; Play Facilities on Troopers Hill Field; Work Parties; Events; Funding; Networking; Newsletter.
9th September 2009
Greendown Works; New Dog Bin; New Benches; BBC Filming; Trafagar Square; Play Facilities on Troopers Hill Field; Work Parties; Events; Funding;Areas Green space Plan; Newsletter.
14th July 2009
Greendown Works; New Dog Bin; New Benches; Soil falling on Troopers Hill Rd; Support for Events; Management Plan Updates; Trees near Lamb Inn; Publicity; Troopers Hill Field Consultation; Events.
13th May 2009
Introducing our new CPO; Greendown Works; Camp; Troopers Hill Field Consultation; Work Parties; Events; Newsletter
4th March 2009
Troopers Hill Field Consultation; Winter Works; Bristol Parks re-organisation; Work Parties; Events; Area Green Space Plan meetings.
13th January 2009
Steps in woodland; Benches; Greendown Works; Work Parties; AGM; Good Friday; Tai Chi; Bird Boxes with Scouts; Become a charity? Neighbourhood Partnership; Area Green Space Plan; Newsletter.

11th December 2008 - At Wesley Memorial Church Hall
Slide Show Review of 2008; AGM; Video filmed on Troopers Hill.
13th November 2008
New signs; Winter and other works; Feedback on Dog Show and other events; Feedback from Green Flag Judges; Next year's events; Education Fund; St George Partnership.
1st October 2008
Sally Oldfield; Dog Show plans; Gate post; Tai Chi; Events for 2009; Parks Restructuring; Finance
This meeting marked five years of Friends of Troopers Hill - our first litter pick was 4 October 2003. Sadly Sally Oldfield also announced at the meeting that she would be leaving her post as Local Nature Reserves Officer. To mark the five years and as a big thank you to Sally we presented her with a wooden vase and this certificate. The vase was turned by Tom Thomas of Topwood Crafts, Yatton. The photograph shows those at the meeting with Sally.
19th August 2008
Dog Show; Green Flag Award; Work Parties; Events; Networking
10th July 2008
Green Flag appearance; New CPM; Work Parties; Trooping the Hill; Music on the Hill; Future Events; Newsletter
28th May 2008
Greendown Entrance; Green Flag; Troopers Hill Field; Work Parties; Events; Newsletter; Networking.
15th Apr 2008
Funding; Green Flag; Update on Winter Works; Policing; Work Parties; Events; Newsletter; Networking; Steps from Fir Tree Lane.
6th Mar 2008
Update on Parks & Green Spaces Strategy; Funding; Green Flag; Update on winter works; Work parties; Events; Newsletter; Networking.
23rd Jan 2008
Parks & Green Spaces Strategy; Green Flag; Winter Works; Work Parties; Events; Newsletter; PCT grant; Networking.

11th Dec 2007 - At Wesley Memorial Church Hall
AGM & Review of the Year; Photo Competition; Finance & Constitution; Elections; Events 2008.
15th Nov 2007
Proposals for Greendown and Crews Hole/Troopers Hill Rd entrances; Plans for winter works; Events for 2008; St George Neighbourhood Partnership.
2nd Oct 2007
Plans for winter works; Issues on Troopers Hill - Parks' quick response; Green Flag flagpole; Work Parties; Funding - Big Lottery Fund, Awards for All; Events; Next Year; Parks Forum; ALHA.
22nd Aug 2007
BCS work - Julian's work priorities; Issues on Troopers Hill - Bramble, Composting; Green Flag - Where to put it, judges feedback; Work Parties; Events; Newsletter; Parks & Green Spaces Strategy
12th July 2007
Issues on Troopers Hill; Green Flag Announcement; Work Parties; Events; Leaflets; Parks & Green Spaces Strategy; Newsletter; Road Safety; Financial Position.
29th May 2007
Music on the Hill; Green Flag Application; Maintenance and Work Parties; New Leaflet; Events; Newsletter; Bristol Alternative Landmark vote; Feedback from the Forum.
18th Apr 2007
Green Flag Application; Hill problems; Work parties; Leaflet Design; Events; Newsletter; Forum; Networking; Updates.
8th Mar 2007
Green Flag Update; Works on the Hill; Events; Leaflet Design; Membership; Newsletter; Networking; Bath House; Lamb Inn; Farewell to Jenny & Ben.
23rd Jan 2007
Green Flag Application; Wheelchair Access Path; Agreement between FoTH and Bristol Parks; Invertebrates Survey; Leaflet Design; Events for 2007; Quiz Night; Work Parties; Change to Constitution; Networking.

13th Dec 2006 - At Wesley Memorial Church Hall
AGM &Slide and video review of the year; Green Flag; Wheelchair access path; Troopers Hill Field; Battle of Royate Hill Video; Funds; Constitution and committee elections.
7th Nov 2006
Big Lottery Fund Grant; Wooferz; Welcome to new CPM; Wheelchair path and other issues with Bristol Parks; Troopers Hill Rd; Feedback on events; Plans for 2007; Consultation.
21st Sept 2006
Wooferz; Nature in the City; New CPM; New benches; Wheelchair path and other issues with Bristol Parks; Troopers Hill Rd; Increased evening activity; Feedback on events; Plans for kite flying event.
9th Aug 2006
Hill security; Dog care service; Wheelchair path; Contractor's work programme; Feedback on events; Bench replacement; Plans for forthcoming events; BBC Breathing Places Lottery Funding; Somerfield staff donation.
27th June 2006
Feedback on events and bench installation; Contractor's work programme; YANSEC; Music on the Hill; bench inspection.
18th May 2006
Feedback on events and bench making; Management Plan Update; YANSEC and Parks matchfunding; Future Events; Living Rivers; Budget - report; Survey results.
5th Apr 2006
Feedback on events; future events; YANSEC grant; networking; Nature in the City; BRERC and wildlife surveys; separate budget meeting; praise for Newsletter.
28th Feb 2006
Feedback on hedge planting and bird bonanza; events leaflet and future events; contractor's work for 2006; restoring a view; work parties and MOD team building; future of the LNR project; funding and budget for 2006.
19th Jan 2006
Hedge Planting, Troopers Hill Field, YANSEC application, Events 2006, dog mess & dog show, books and funds

7th Dec 2005 - At Wesley Memorial Church Hall
Welcome to Caroline, Slide show review of the year, Troopers Hill Field, Greendown Hedge, AGM formalities, event planning meeting.
18th Oct 2005
Change of CPM, Greendown Fence, Malvern Rd Open Space, AGM plans.
14th Sept 2005
Malvern Rd Open Space, feedback on events, SWEET update, funding
9th Aug 2005
Malvern Rd Open Space, Grayling update, Aug events, Malvern Rd gate, fundraising
30th June 2005
Malvern Rd Open Space plans, recent and future events, contractor's activities, books for fundraising
11th May 2005
Your Space Survey results, School Project video, Graying debate, Records office visit, Management Plan update, Awards for All grant spent.
22nd March 2005
Malvern Road Open Space Survey, School Project Report, Events for 2005, motorbikes.
24th February 2005
Community Farm update, Malvern Road Open Space questionnaire finalised, visit to John Cornwell, events for 2005, spending last of grant money.
26th January 2005
St George Community Farm, Malvern Road Open Space questionnaire, ideas for events for 2005, SWEET update.

4th December 2004 - At Wesley Memorial Church Hall
Virginia Spalding, slide show review of the year, Open Space play area, SWEET application, AGM formalities, events for 2005, Lamb Inn.
2nd November 2004 - Our first meeting at Wesley Memorial Church Hall
BFN report, bench update, new signs displayed, plans for school project, Parks Forum, St George Partnership, plans for AGM
21st September 2004 - At Firtree Lane, St George
Feedback on Family picnic, bench repairs - money raised, Summerhill Ter gate, proposed signs, views on Malvern Road Open Space, possible SWEET application, proposed LNR visits, Troopers Freestyle, BFN.
5th August 2004 - At the Sikh Temple, Summerhill Road
Work Parties, Joan Day's talk feedback, design of notice boards, work by contractors, 1st Aid training, meeting with the police, proposed BFN, funds, website.
6th July 2004 - At Corkers Hill, St George
Feedback on events, media coverage of signing, plans for Joan Day's talk, bench plaque found,
26th May 2004
- At St Aidans Hall Side Room
New tools with grant money, Action Plan and launch event, dog mess, destroyed bench, July work party, St George Partnership, plans for bugs and beasties event, Japanese Knotweed.
27th April 2004
- At Bristol East Allotments Pavilion
Work Party timings, draft Action Plan, 1st Aid training, River Avon Trail, Good news from Awards for All, History Project ideas, review of events, ideas for Wildweek, possible Joan Day talk, badgers.
18th March 2004
- At St Aidans Hall Side Room
Work Parties, Action Plan update, interpretation boards, dog mess, history meeting report, website, future events.
12th February 2004
- At St Aidans Hall Side Room
Response to Newsletter, Work Parties, Action Plan draft, Photographic monitoring, Fundraising, plans for history evening, publicity and website, involving schools.
15th January 2004 - At the Bristol East Allotment Pavilion, Nicholas Lane
Newsletters, work parties, work to be done, 5 yr action plan, other groups, publicity, website, trees in Crews Hole woodland.

2nd December 2003 - At the Bristol East Allotment Pavilion, Nicholas Lane
Constitution approved - Friends of Troopers Hill formally established - fence mending, health & safety, work by City Academy pupils, bank account, work required, invertebrates.
Meetings earlier in 2003 to establish Friends of Troopers Hill
In November 2002, Sally Oldfield as Local Naure Reserves Officer for Bristol City Council sent out a survey to local residents to gather people's views on the nature reserve.
An initial meeting to guage interest in setting up a group and explain how it would work was then held on 5th June 2003. There was also a nature walk on 22nd July and a litter pick on 4th October.
Further meetings were held on 10th September and on 16th October, where residents volunteered to form a committee for the new group.