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Old Photographs of Troopers Hill
Set D1
St Anne's Board Mills
from Troopers Hill

Click on dates to change view 1960s or 70s > 04 Sept 1977 > 1981 > 01 Sept 2007

Looking from near Little Elizabeth's view on Troopers Hill towards the Board Mills. St Anne's Board Mills produced cardboard, it was owned by Imperial Tabacco until the 1970s and closed in around 1980.

The first view from the 1960s or 70s shows the Board Mills when it was still in full production with barges moving goods between the works and the Floating Harboour.

The second view from 1977, is very similar, but a building under construction in the first view had been completed and there are now what appears to be stacks of timber in what was a parking area. Also one of the three chimneys has been removed. This photo was from Mike Beale, other photos of the same date can be seen here.

By 1981 work had started on demolition on that site (this photo is one of a set from Raymond Holland). The rendered building this side of the road is what used to be the Lamb Inn and was being used for offices in the 1970s & 80s - it has now been rebuilt as two houses.

You can see that there has been a really dramatic change in the landscape on the Troopers Hill side of the river. The hillside shown here is now part of Crews Hole Woodland, Japanese Knotweed was present in 2007, but this has now mostly been eliminated after treatment with glyphosate by Bristol Parks.

The demolition of one of the Board Mills chimneys in 1984 was captured by Roy and can be seen here.

(1960s/70s view from a photograph lent to Friends of Troopers Hill, 1980s view by Raymond Holland)

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Friends of Troopers Hill Website produced by the Friends of Troopers Hill
