Friends of Troopers Hill
(Winners of the Sutton Seeds Cup in 2016)
The Royal Horticultural Society and South West in Bloom
It's Your Neighbourhood 2023 - Outstanding

2023 RHS It's Your Neighbourhood Entry
Level 5, Outstanding
The assessment for the RHS South West in Bloom It's Your Neighbourhood (IYN) scheme 2023 was carried out in July.
We were very pleased to be invited by the Ardagh Community Trust to join other Bristol IYN entrants at a special event at their site in Horfield to receive this year's award from the Lord Mayor of Bristol, Cllr Steve Pearce.
This was a chance to see the fantastic work the Trust has done at the Ardagh and meet volunteers from other groups across Bristol. As well as enjoying a wonderful lunch provided by their café.
We were delighted to again received the top award of 'Level 5 - Oustanding'
The full list of 2023 IYN awards can be seen here

Here is the information we sent to the assessor ahead of their visit and their comments:
Friends of Troopers Hill Aims & Achievements 2003 - 2023
RHS It's Your Neighbourhood 2023 - Assessor's Comments
Troopers Hill is also entered in the separate RHS Pride in Parks Award which is assessed at the same time.
While It's Your Neighbourhood focuses on the group and our activities, Pride in Parks is an assessment of the site itself and how it is managed. We will receive our Pride of Parks award in March 2024.
2022 RHS It's Your Neighbourhood Entry
Level 5, Outstanding
The assessment for the RHS South West in Bloom It's Your Neighbourhood (IYN) scheme 2022 was carried out on an evening in late August (delayed due to Covid) - see photos below.
This year's RHS presentation was held at Haselbury Mill on 13th October and Friends of Troopers Hill were pleased to hear that we had again been assessed at the top level - Level 5 - Outstanding.
The full list of 2022 IYN awards can be seen here.

2021 RHS It's Your Neighbourhood Entry
Level 5, Outstanding
We are pleased that the RHS South West in Bloom It's Your Neighbourhood scheme was able to run again in 2021.
We were able to show our RHS assessor round the Hill on a glorious sunny day in July and she seemed very impressed.
The presentation of awards this year was held in the spectacular venue of the Winter Gardens Pavillion in Weston-super-Mare on 7th October.
Unfortunately we were unable to attend but we were pleased to hear that we had again been awarded to top grade of 'Outstanding'.
The full list of RHS South West IYN 2021 awards can be seen here.
On behalf of RHS South West, Steve Clampin presented the certificate to our chair, Susan, on Friday 12th November.

2020 RHS It's Your Neighbourhood Entry
Unfortunately due to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) the award scheme was cancelled in 2020.
2019 RHS It's Your Neighbourhood Entry
Level 5, Outstanding
We were delighted to once again receive an assessment of "Outstanding" for Troopers Hill in the It's Your Neighbourhood category of South West in Bloom. We extremely pleased with the judge's feedback.
Our pleasure was, however, overshadowed by the news of the death of Denise James. Denise had worked with Friends of Troopers Hill when she was employed by Bristol City Council and was the person who persuaded us to enter Troopers Hill for an It's Your Neighbourhood award for the first time in 2011.
When Denise left Bristol City Council in 2014 we created this little summary of "What has Denise James ever done for us?".
Amongst other things, Denise went on to be employed as secretary for South West in Bloom where she did an outstanding job, she was also the prime mover of the Keynsham in Bloom entry and was thrilled to receive a Keynsham Good Citizen award in 2017.
We miss her very much.
Friends of Troopers Hill Aims & Achievements 2003 - 2019
RHS It's Your Neighbourhood 2019 - Assessor's Comments
Troopers Hill also gained 5-stars in the separate RHS Pride in Parks Award for 2019/20
2018 RHS It's Your Neighbourhood Entry
Level 5, Outstanding
Following on from our success in previous years, Friends of Troopers Hill entered this scheme again in 2018.
Our RHS South West in Bloom assessor received a guided tour of the Hill in July on a gloriuos sunny day. This gave us a chance to talk about the work we have been doing and introduce her to several members of our committee; photos below.
We also presented her with a copy of the document setting out our achievements.
The results were announced in October. This was the seventh time that we have been assessed at 'Outstanding' having acheived 'Thriving' when we first entered in 2011.
Friends of Troopers Hill Aims & Achievements 2003 - 2018
RHS It's Your Neighbourhood 2018 - Assessor's Comments
RHS South West in Bloom It's Your Neighbourhood 2018 - Listing of Results
Troopers Hill also gained 5-stars in the separate RHS Pride in Parks Award for 2018/19

2017 RHS It's Your Neighbourhood Award
Level 5, Outstanding
Friends of Troopers Hill were pleased to announce at our meeting on 12th October that we had again achieved 'Outstanding' in the RHS South West in Bloom It's Your Neighbourhood award scheme for 2017.
Our congratulations to Portbury Wharf Nature Reserve for winning the Sutton Seeds Cup that we won in 2016 (see below).
The assessment was undertaken in late July. As in previous years we prepared a document for the IYN assessor setting out our achievements and along with our certificate we received some feedback.
Friends of Troopers Hill Aims & Achievements 2003 - 2017
RHS It's Your Neighbourhood 2017 - Assessor's Comments
Friends of Troopers Hill also entered Troopers Hill for the separate RHS Pride in Parks Award for 2017/18 gaining 5-stars for the third year in a row.
Assessment day photos:

2016 IYN Award - Level 5, Outstanding
& Sutton Seeds Cup

The It's Your Neighbourhood Awards for 2016 were announced at the RHS Britain In Bloom - South West awards ceremony held on Thursday 6th October 2016 at Taunton Cricket ground.
Friends of Troopers Hill had been assessed for these awards on the 15th July; some photos of the judges visit are shown below.
Friends of Troopers Hill were pleased to achieve 'OUTSTANDING' for the fifth time, but this year there was more good news with the award of the Sutton Seeds Cup for an outstanding area of nature conservation.
Friends of Troopers Hill are excited and honoured to have received this award which recognises the hard work of both Friends of Troopers Hill and Bristol Parks in managing this important wildlife habitat.
The assessment in July was also assessing the St George in Bloom entry for the South West in Bloom competion. We were delighted to hear that St George again won a Gold in the Pennant town / city category.
The following St George community groups also received RHS ‘It’s your Neighbourhood’ awards:-
Bristol East Allotments group received OUTSTANDING
St Aidan’s Allotments in St. George received OUTSTANDING
Kensington Road Residents Association received OUTSTANDING
Air Balloon Hill Primary School Gardening Club received OUTSTANDING
Friends of Kingsway Youth “Hope for the future” received THRIVING
In addition, Air Balloon Hill Primary School in St. George received the Clem Preece Memorial cup for an outstanding effort by a school in promoting South West in Bloom.
Report on the St George Neighbourhood Partnership website >>
Full list of Bristol IYN Awards 2016 (pdf) >>
The document we prepared for the IYN judge setting out our achievements and the judge's feedback can be seen here :
Friends of Troopers Hill Aims & Achievements 2003 - 2016
RHS It's Your Neighbourhood 2016 - Assessor's Comments
In July Troopers Hill was also assessed for this year's RHS Pride in Parks award and we were pleased to be awarded 5 stars for the second year running.

There was another visit to Troopers Hill in August by RHS judges assessing St George for the national Britain in Bloom Competition.

2015 Award - Level 5, Outstanding
Friends of Troopers Hill again entered the RHS It's Your Neighbourhood (IYN) Scheme in 2015. As in previous years, the judging took place in July and the results were announced in September.
We were very pleased to receive the top level of award for the fourth year. The award was presented at the St George in Bloom Awards ceremony on 8th October along with other awards received by groups in St George. Troopers Hill was also awarded 5 stars in the 2015 RHS Pride in Parks Awards.
The document we prepared for the IYN judge for 2015 setting out our achievements and the judge's feedback can be seen here :
Friends of Troopers Hill Aims & Achievements 2003 - 2015
RHS It's Your Neighbourhood 2015 - Judges Comments
2014 Award - Level 5, Outstanding
Friends of Troopers Hill entered the RHS It's Your Neighbourhood (IYN) Scheme for the fourth time in 2014 - the judging took place in July and we were delighted to be assessed at Level 5 - Outstanding for the third year. The certificate was presented at the Britain in Bloom - South West awards ceremony in Trowbridge on 18th September.
This year Troopers Hill also won GOLD in the new Britain in Bloom - South West Parks and Open Spaces award scheme.
The IYN judge also toured other parts of St George to judge the St George in Bloom entry in the ‘Pennant’ category of Britain in Bloom - South West as well as two other It's Your Neighbourhood sites (St George Park & Kensington Road).
We were really pleased that St George in Bloom was awarded the Gold Pennant, the highest award in the Pennant category in their very first entry in the scheme. Kensington Rd Residents Association also achieved outstanding for their IYN entry, while Friends of St George Park improved on last year and were awarded Level 4 - Thriving.
The document we prepared for the IYN judge setting out our achievements can be seen here:
Friends of Troopers Hill Aims & Achievements 2003 - 2014
Full list of Bristol IYN 2014 winners
2013 Award - Level 5, Outstanding
The 2013 judging took place in the summer (on a hot sunny afternoon - see photos below) and the results were announced in Truro on 19th September.
We were delighted to be assessed at 'Level 5 - Outstanding' for the second time.
The IYN awards for Bristol were presented by the Lord Mayor of Bristol at the Mansion House on 21st October 2013. Susan and Kit received the award on behalf of Friends of Troopers Hill.
Other St George awards were to Friends of St George Park, who were assessed at 'Level 3 - Improving' and Kensington Road Residents Association who also received 'Outstanding', they also won the Gordon Ford Trophy for the Best Neighbourhood Entry.
At the ceremony in Truro the main South West in Bloom awards were also presented and it was wonderful to hear that Greater Fishponds won a Gold Pennant in the 'Town to City' category and also won the Urban Communities Trophy for the best urban community. There are plans for St George to enter in this category next year.
Full listing of South West Its Your Neighbourhood Winners >>
South West in Bloom Winners >>

As for previous years, we prepared a document for the judges setting out our achievements, this can be seen here: Friends of Troopers Hill Aims & Achievements 2003 - 2013
2012 Award - Level 5, Outstanding
Friends of Troopers Hill entered this scheme for the second time in 2012. The judge visited in July and we were extremely pleased to hear in September that we had been assessed at Level 5 - Outstanding this year!
The certificate was awarded to Rob & Susan by Denise James at our meeting in October.
In his feedback form the judge said:
"a model Friends Group in every way and a
wonderful site - just keep going!
Congratulations to everyone involved in this project."
Britain in Bloom & Entente Florale 2012
Friends of Troopers Hill were especially pleased this year to be one of the community groups asked to meet the judges visiting Bristol for both the Britain in Bloom and Entente Florale competions. The Britain in Bloom event was at the Cathedral, while a few weeks later we set up our display at the M-Shed for the European Judges.
We were pleased to hear that Bristol got a Gold Award from the Entente Floral judges. Reports on the award appeared in The Post and on the Council's website.
The City was also joint overall cup winners in the large city category in the South West in Bloom Awards.
2011 Award - Level 4, Thriving

In 2011 Friends of Troopers Hill registered for the RHS Its Your Neighbourhood Scheme for the first time.
We were pleased to be assessed at 'Level 4, Thriving' and to be invited to the Mansion House in Clifton to receive our certificate from the Lord Mayor.
As part of the assessment process we prepared a document setting out some of our achievements since being formed in 2003:
Friends of Troopers Hill Aims & Achievements 2003 - 2011.
The 2011 judges comments can be seen here.
A full listing of all the groups in Bristol who registered and their assessment level for 2011 can be seen on the Bristol in Bloom website.
The It's Your Neighbourhood Scheme is run as part of the Royal Horticultural Society Britain in Bloom initiative. Launched in 2014, St George in Bloom aims to showcase community achievements in St George & promote Horticultural excellence.
They run a St George in Bloom competition with an opportunity for residents, community groups and businesses in St George to enter in several categories.
The group also entered St George in ‘Pennant’ category of the RHS South West in Bloom Competition.
Other Bloom Links
Below are links to other In Bloom sites. The Bristol in Bloom website has details of Bristol's other sucesses in both the regional South-West in Bloom and the National Britain in Bloom competitions.