Awards for All

Awards for All - Lottery Grant

The Friends of Troopers Hill were delighted to receive a grant of £3,269 from the Lottery through Awards for All in May 2004.

This grant enabled the Friends of Troopers Hill to get off to a flying start in their first year of activities. Our thanks go to Susan and Sally for all the work they put in to making the application and to Awards for All in Exeter for supporting us.

The Grant was awarded under five headings as detailed below, the money had to be spent by April 2005.

Work Party Tools
Protective Equipment and First Aid Courses
Information and Notice Boards
Educational Event
Publicity (including signs at entrances)

How we have spent the money!

Before receiving the grant we had borrowed tools for our Work Parties from Avon Wildlife Trust, so the money for tools and protective equipment was the first to be spent. The photograph shows some of our new tools including loppers and slashers. We have also bought bow saws, rakes, a sledge hammer and a pickaxe.
The Action Plan includes the installation of two notice boards and small signs at each of the five entrances to the hill. In consultation at meetings and on Work Parties it was decided that a better option was to combine these two and provide spaces for A4 notices on signboards at each entrance, the result can be seen here. These have been fixed to the fence at each entrance to the hill at our Work Parties over the last few months. The signs were supplied by Wards of Barton Hill.
We have also purchased display boards for use at events, together with laminating pouches, printer ink etc. As educational events we held a story telling session at our Family Fun Picnic in August 2004 and arranged a Dawn Chorus Walk with local bird expert John Tulley for this year.

We have been fortunate that three of our Work Party regulars have become qualified First Aiders through their work. Bristol Parks have also agreed to fund further Health and Safety training. As a result (with the agreement of Awards for All) we have been able to spend additional money in the tools and publicity categories.
Friends of Troopers Hill
Visit the Friends of Troopers Hill website at